Tuesday, July 25, 2006


WISDOM initiative creates a library from wherethe students would be able to borrow books required for their education.This initiative again has been started off very well where in around 70 books have been collected and few students are already reaping thebenefits of WISDOM.

HOPE (Help Other Persons Education)

HOPE (Help Other Persons Education) aims at identifying financially challenged people and help them to completetheir desired education. The help can be in the form of money or fulfilling any other needs. Through HOPE we have already helped a financially challenged candidate to complete his college education.

About Ignited Minds

Ignited Minds is more of a concept than of a group. It represents thatcollection of thoughts in each individuals mind which constantly hopeand crave of the betterment of the society we live in. When such sparksget together it forms Ignited Minds. This would be a group where in yourideas to improve the society would get discussed, enhanced and rolledinto actions. The transition of the thoughts to action would be a dreamgetting realised. During the formation of the group we had discussed toenhance the 3Es (Education, Employment and Enterpreneurship) in asociety which would make the society self-sufficient to meet its needs.This is very much the goal which is driving us. There has been a lot ofideas in store and few of them has been put into action.

IM Brochure